How Missing Middle Housing Can Solve Our Affordable Housing Crisis
By Tom CorsilloThe United States is in the midst of a severe housing crisis, and there’s no silver bullet that will solve it. Addressing the need for housing will require a series of policy changes at the local, state and federal levels that range from modernizing antiquated zoning regulations to increasing funding for proven housing programs.
Tom Corsillo, senior vice president and head of public affairs at Marino, is a housing expert with nearly 20 years of experience leading public relations and stakeholder engagement campaigns to advance consequential policy changes and legalize diverse housing options. He’s here to help explain some of the problems that have gotten us here along, break down the solutions, and dispel the misinformation that’s stifling progress.
So what is “missing middle” housing – aka, “gentle density” – and how can it help meet the urgent need for more homes? Watch here: